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Learning to Code

Ruby Rails Refresher

Floof Finder - React Routing

I just stated building a React application, Floof Finder, that returns a list of large breed dogs that need to be adopted. I love dogs, and especially love large dogs. We have an Anatolian Shepherd who is the sweetest, fluffiest girl. I volunteer as a Foster parent for Big Dogs Huge Paws (BDHP) - a dog rescue group that specializes in large breed dogs such as Great Pyrenees, Saint Bernard, Great Dane, and Mastiffs. I utilize the PetFinder API to return this list specifying large breed dogs (Size = XL) with a status of adoptable. My plans are to create an application that returns not only this list, but a list of large breed dogs from the Adopt A Pet website as well. Then, you will be able to search for large breed dogs from both website in one spot. Making it faster and easier to help big dogs in need.

How do you make a JavaScript bug feel better? You console it!

JavaScript (along with HTML and CSS) is a core language to web development. Learning JavaScript, just like learning anything new, requires some patience and practice in the beginning. After you get the basics, it gets easier. JavaScript was developed in 1995 (that is pretty old in the web development timeline) so it is well known and established. That being said, there are many critics of JavaScript because of issues with design, debugging, etc.; however, even if you do not like it, you will still need to understand it.

Python And The Holy App

As a recent graduate from the Flatiron program, I spend a large portion of my day in the job search grind. However, I want to keep my technical skills sharp, so I put aside a few hours each day to continue to program. Mostly I have been working on projects with JavaScript, React, and some Ruby, but I have also just started learning Python. I have seen so many job postings looking for candidates with Python experience and almost every blog I read mentions Python. So, I decided to try it out for myself.

Nai Axios!

Recently, while building an application that communicates with the PetFinder API, I was faced with the decision of how I was going to make the request. I decided to use Axios. Axios, like Fetch, is promise based. Side Note: Axios is a acclamation that has been adopted by the Greek Orthodox Church and it means ‘worthy of” or “deserving of.” I think the Axios creators were onto something - Axios is pretty great and certainly “worthy of” some praise.