Go Language

Posted by JGB on January 14, 2020

I have been hearing a lot about the Go language at meet-ups and reading about it in various Medium articles. After a quick Google search, I found out that it is the fastest growing programming language! I knew it was becoming popular, but I had no idea just how popular. It was developed by Robert Griesemer, Ken Thompson, and Rob Pike at Google in 2007 and released in 2009. Many companies such as Google, YouTube, Uber, Dropbox, Booking.Com, and Medium use Go.

Basically, Google was not happy with any of the current programming languages and wanted something more. Go is amazing because it is readable yet also extremely fast and efficient for your computer to handle. Go is compiled and concurrent. It has something called goroutines (which is a function), which is basically like thread scheduling but much faster. At the time Go was developed, multi-core computers were just starting to become the norm for the average public consumer. Google wanted a programming language that was designed to deal with these multi-cores and would be able to be an all-purpose language that could be scaled up for very large and complex software. Go treats concurrency like a first-class citizen, and uses goroutines and channels to support this concurrency. It allows you to take full advantage of multiple cores or process threads.

Go language has great documentation available here And you can find tons of information about the language online via articles, blogs, and videos, and also courses (that you can purchase). Further, a lot of cities have Go language meet-ups now, so get involved, and meet some fellow “Gophers.”